Nine Arches

Misfit Toys Communications spearheaded the successful market introduction of Nine Arches, a groundbreaking board game designed to inspire real-world adventures and memorable experiences. Developed during the pandemic by New York Times bestselling author Geoff Gray and video game developer Grant Shonkwiler, Nine Arches encourages players to create unique adventures by combining cards from a tarot-like deck.

Our go-to-market strategy for Nine Arches was multifaceted, focusing on key pillars to drive adoption and visibility. We established an affiliate marketing program to expand reach and drive sales, complemented by a targeted media relations campaign centered around holiday gifting and entertaining. Through strategic media placements and influencer trials, we generated buzz and consumer interest, leveraging social media engagement to amplify the game’s appeal.

The culmination of our efforts came with Moose Toys’ acquisition of Nine Arches, underscoring Moose Games’ commitment to innovative gameplay experiences. Misfit Toys’ strategic approach not only facilitated the game’s successful market entry but also positioned Nine Arches for global expansion under Moose Toys’ stewardship, demonstrating our ability to drive impactful outcomes in the competitive toy industry.


Curamia Tequila


The Jefferson, DC